There are 26 million people in Australia, 14.5 million can donate blood, but only 500,000 do.
On June 14 it is World Blood Donor Day, so Rob Kidd will be broadcasting live from 8-10am from Mackay Donor Centre to help bring awareness to this important cause. Why not come down, and learn about becoming a donor!
Did you know you can save three lives just by donating once!
1. Register a blood donor account at lifeblood.com.au if you don’t already have one.
2. Join the 4MK Mackay Radio Lifeblood Team – just follow our step-by-step instructions on how to join a team – https://www.lifeblood.com.au/blood/donate-as-a-group
3. Book a time to give life online, by calling 13 14 95 or downloading the Donate Blood app.
Want to give really big? Give plasma:
If you want to give more than once and make a bigger impact, plasma donation is the way. It’s just as rewarding as giving blood, and you can donate as often as every two weeks.Can’t donate right now? You can still help:
Spread the word far and wide: the more people you reach, the more you help.“Give blood and keep the World beating”