
Rise in scams across Mackay and the Whitsundays

August 23, 2022 6:59 am in by


Mackay Whitsunday police say there’s been an increase in reports of tax related scams.

A Queensland Police Service spokesperson says an employee recently received a tax scam email.

“With the financial year having only recently ended there may be many taxpaying residents who could potentially receive this email and be vulnerable to falling victim,” they say.

“Responding to the email will result in you being presented with a new ‘login’ page, allowing criminals access to your login credentials if you do submit them.

“Allowing scammers access to your login credentials is something which should be avoided at all costs.”

Once criminals have your details they will change them, effectively locking you out as they explore what personal information they have access to including banking details.

Police and the ATO say they will never ask to be paid in gift cards and to stay clear of links you aren’t familiar with.

Meanwhile, Whitsunday residents are being urged to hang up on callers claiming to be from council.

Whitsunday Regional Council says their annual survey will be held later this year and no phone surveys are currently underway.

Image: Supplied
